
Moving Yourself to Save Money? Think Again.

Doing a self move seems like a good idea at first glance when you’re in the mindset of saving money. That’s hardly the case as when you take a closer look it’s often about the same or sometimes more depending on uhaul’s gaul at the moment. 

Costs that go unconsidered: 

Packing materials 

Each piece of furniture needs anywhere between one to three quilted pads for their protection. One quilted pad costs $14.95 on average! Just ten pieces of furniture impute a cost of at least $150.00. That’s the best case scenario in just 10 pieces, so you do the math! 

This cost is eliminated by using a mover since moving companies provide all the quilted pads to wrap every piece to fruition all included in the cost. Roadrunner takes extra care of Florida customers by providing packing services which include boxes covered by a voucher for qualifying jobs. 


Gas is through the roof and it doesn’t help that trucks are not exactly hybrids. Moving trucks get 10 miles to the gallon at best. When you’re going long distances this is going to add up very quickly. If only it were as simple as the mileage alone. There will be times where traffic is hit and gas is guzzled on a red light or long jams of cars. 

When going over 1000 miles this cost comes out to be a hefty bill and long stretches of plains, desserts, and mountains only become a reality when you’re close to E with no cell service. 

Working with a mover eliminates the cost and the stress. Fuel is covered in the cost and our CDL drivers know the routes like the back of their hand. No mountain is too tall, no land is too barren.


So you’ve spent a ton on packing materials, you’ve got a guess on the cost in gas and stress of driving this boat all the way to your destination, and then you arrive at this question: who’s doing the work of packing, loading, stacking, and unloading? 

You doing the work is fine and all but your time is certainly more valuable spent doing something else. Your back is certainly worth sparing especially if you have limited assistance. 

Usually you’ll end up hiring labor which helps but most of the time laborers aren’t movers, not professional ones. The way you need to stack and protect pieces is taken for granted until you’re out of space in the rental and then pieces are slipping and falling in the back while you high tail it across the country.  

This one is obviously covered by the moving company in the cost. After all, what would a moving company be without professional movers and the ability to take care of its customers?

It’s dollars and sense  

Taking all of this into account you’ll lob at least $1000 in expenses on top of the rental fee, insurance, other costs and stress that would be avoided by working with a mover. That’s what people like to call, a no-brainer!